是不是这样的夜晚你才会这样的想起我 Won't You Think Of Me Out Of Such A Night 风中有朵雨做的云 Rain Cloud In The Wind 祝你一路顺风 Bon Voyage ..
More than a third say they just simply take a little while to get going in the mornings while one in five get a grey cloud over their head when they look out their window at wind and rain.
三分之一的人表示自己早上总要磨蹭一会儿才起得来; 五分之一的人则表示,每次看到窗外风雨交加就会觉得心情超级郁闷。
There was no moon, and under the low cloud cover a brisk unseasonable wind ruffled the Old Norwegian maples that lined the street and dropped a fine rain of spring buds on my shoulders and in my hair.
没月亮, 而且在低云彩盖子之下轻快不合时节地风翻动啦排行街道和投下春天芽美妙地雨在自己地肩膀和在自己地头发里地老挪威槭树。