rainbow trout 虹鳟 ; 彩虹鳟鱼 ; 彩虹鳟
Sessilinasis Of rainbow trout 固着类纤毛虫病
Vibriosis of rainbow trout 弧菌病
Nocardiosis Of rainbow trout 诺卡氏菌病
Ichthyobodiasis Of rainbow trout 鱼波豆虫病
Rainbow trout frozen 鲜冻红鳟鱼
tetraonchus disease of rainbow trout 四钩虫病
Ichthyophonus disease Of rainbow trout 鱼醉菌病
Rainbow-trout 彩虹鳟
His scalp is spotted like the skin of a rainbow trout.
The catch included resident rainbow trout, juvenile Chinook? Salmon, bull trout, coho salmon, steelhead and sculpin.
This fish didn't have a chance. A rainbow trout pulled out of Holmes Lake last weekend had double the chance to get hooked: It had two mouths.