ramp-way junction 匝道连接点
one-way ramp 单向匝道 ; 单向坡道
approach approach road ramp way 引道
two-way ramp 双向匝道 ; 双向坡道
two-way ramp detail 双向匝道
two way ramp 双向匝道
way center ramp 楼地板错开的双向中间匝道式
Flat floors-straight one-way ramp 平直楼地板的单向匝道
The roof of the base is formed into a series of fenced activity platforms and connected with the ground activity space through a green ramp way at its southeast.
The temperature and stress field of wagon wheel under the condition of long ramp way cycle braking in Daqin line have been simulated by using FEM and axial symmetry model.
I tumbled all the way down and somehow managed to roll into a crouching position, sprang to my feet and kept running till I hit the bottom ramp.