...ttery)理解及 玩(attr=[v|vn])提点”、“保举理解”、“号码(Number)明白”、“ 合买 计划引荐”和“模仿选号(Random selection)”等等(Etc.)。
Random-selection method 随机选择方法
random selection strategy 随机选择策略
Random Selection Mode 随机选择模式
random selection principle 随机选择原理
Random Selection Algorithm 随机选择算法
constrained random selection 受限随机选择
random selection model 随机抽选模型
After this, many researchers switched to autoganzfeld tests—an automated variant of the technique which used computers to perform many of the key tasks such as the random selection of images.
In early ganzfeld experiments, the telepathy test involved identification of a picture chosen from a random selection of four taken from a large image bank.
Random: A mostly random selection of hosts from the data source.
Shin is one of a lucky few winners of a selection process for these reunions that involves both a random lottery and a screening based on age and family history.
VOA: standard.2009.09.26
And it might occur to some of you that this seems to be an analogy with the Darwinian theory of natural selection where there's a random assortment of random mutations.