... running-speed indication range 航速指示规模 range indication 距离指示 Out of range indication 超过服务范围指示 ...
Over range Indication 超量程显示 ; 过载提示 ; 超出范围显示
true range indication 真实航程指示
indication range 示值范围 ; [仪] 指示范围 ; 显示范围 ; 示值规模
range of indication [仪] 指示范围 ; 示值范围
Out of range indication 超过服务范围指示
distance indication range 航程指示范围
An indication of the demand for top-of-the-range goods can be found in Forbes magazine's “cost of living extremely well” index which includes items such as facelifts, fur coats and Gucci loafers.
关于对高端产品的需求,我们可以从富布斯杂志中找到其体现。 该杂志的“奢华生活价格指数”——其中把如拉皮手术、皮大衣、古驰悠闲鞋等消费计算在内——在一九八二年至二零零六年间增长了三倍。
The airborne OTH target indication radar for ship born helicopter not only provides relay guidance and longer range, but also improves the missile attack accuracy.
This paper takes a close range target indication radar as an example to present the purpose, meaning and engineering implementation of data conversion between various weapons.