... rankine cycle 兰金循环 ; 朗肯循环 ; 郎肯循环 ; 肯循环 Rankine scale 兰氏温标 ; 兰金温标 Rankine state 土压力朗肯状态 ; 朗肯状态 ...
朗肯温标(Rankine scale):以绝对零度为起点的华氏温 标 O [ ] [ ] 273.15 T K t C O 5 [ ] ( [ ] 32) 9 t C t F [ ] [ ] 459.67 t F t R ...
Rankine temperature scale 兰金温标 ; 兰氏温标 ; 郎肯温标 ; 阮肯温标
Rankine thermometric scale 兰氏温标
scale Rankine 阮肯温标
Rankine e scale 兰氏温标
N an absolute scale of temperature in which the unit of temperature is equal to that on the Fahrenheit scale and the zero value of temperature is equal to –459.67°F 兰金度数 → compare Kelvin scale