Rapid change of temperature 温度快速变化 ; 温度的快速变化 ; 温度速变
Temperature Rapid Change Test 快速温变
Global Context - Rapid Change 快速变化中的全球环境
an age of rapid change 风云变幻的时代
rapid change theory 急剧变迁论
Temperature Rapid change Chamber 快速温度变化箱
Rapid change of temperature test 快速温度变化试验
Change is a part of life, but rapid change, says scientist George Woodwell, is the enemy of life.
Economist Helena Leurent says this period of rapid change in manufacturing is a fantastic opportunity to make the world a better place.
The brokerage goes back many hundreds of years, but it's in rapid change now because of information technology.
So it goes back many hundreds of years but it's in rapid change now because of information technology.
That results in a dramatic change in the membrane voltage; the potential across the membrane and that's shown here by this rapid rise in membrane potential.