在条件允许下,炮火指挥官传入全速射(RAPID FIRE)命令,此时每7秒便有一发主或副炮炮弹出膛;最后再进入舷侧齐射(BROADSIDE),主炮(条件允许下包括副炮)齐射(SALVO),如果在...
rapid-fire 速射的
rapid fire shooting drill 多球射门练习
T Rapid Fire 强力金属
rapid-fire drill 打快球的练习 ; 快球练习
rapid fire drill 打快球的练习
Ultra Rapid Fire 阿福快打
Camp Rapid Fire Hotel 急火营酒店
rapid fire multiple launching 快速齐射
Rapid Fire 2 速射
以上来源于: WordNet
N a fast rate of gunfire 速射
ADJ firing shots rapidly 速射的
ADJ denoting medium-calibre mounted guns designed for rapid fire 中口径速射枪的
Finally, in a very rapid fire presentation, Meeker said that emerging markets are "pacing the next wave of technology adoption".
Joe listened to their sophisticated, rapid-fire conversation.
So I had to go back to the beginnings of rapid-fire technology and start my clock from there.
As I say, I'm going to quote three, more or less rapid-fire.