运价等级(rate class):针对于差别的航空运价共有6种代码,它们是m(minimum,最少运脚、c(specific commodity rates,特殊的一种运价、s(surcharge,高于平...
航空货代运输主单中,在rate class(运价种类)处有一种运价民航局原规定的报纸、书籍等货物执行运价附减,即低于基础运价的100%水平,目前已基本不适用。 没有见过用的。
... 2、 毛重/千克/磅(GROSS WEIGHT/KG。/B) 3、 费率等级(RATE CLASS) 上述以45千克为计算界限,因此称为重量分界点(WEIGHT BREAK POINT)。 ...
class rate 分级运费率 ; 等级费率 ; 等级货物运价 ; 货物的等级运价
Class Cargo Rate 等级货物运价 ; 级货物运价 ; 货物的等级运价 ; 等级运价
increasing failure rate class 失效率递增类
decreasing failure rate class 失效率递减类
base rate for job class 职务工资标准
Class Rate Freight Tariff 等级运价表 ; 等级费率本
R reduced class rate 降低等级费率
class rate surcharge 等级货物附加运价 ; 附加等级运价
Class Rate Reduction 等级货物附减运价 ; 折扣等级运价
In the Latin American and Caribbean region, 60 million people were lifted from poverty between 2002-2008 and a growing middle class boosted import volumes at an annual rate of 15 percent.
The exchange rate is passed in from outside the class. It is not constructed inside the class.
We cannot afford the risk of losing a class of first-rate insecticides with no suitable replacements ready to step in and do the same job.
This is the last question we'll see in class on the photoelectric effect, so hopefully we can have a very high success rate here to show we are all ready to move on with our lives here.