...7 采用清泽的梯度模型以X min 代Xi,D代d 经推导可得出传播距 离公式: 2 2、 、传 传播 播速 速度 度 传播速度(rate of spread)是指单位时间内病害传播距离的增长量。
rate of spread of flame 火焰蔓延的速率
rate-of-spread meter 火势蔓延速率计
rate of spread meter 火速计算尺
rate of spread meter detail 火速计算尺
rate of fire spread 火势蔓延速度率
rate of flame spread [热] 火焰传播速度
spread rate of plant disease 病害传播速度
apparent rate of frequency spread [地物] 视频散率
rate of price spread 涨跌幅率
The rate of spread of a virus would therefore be limited by how quickly it could replicate in each cell.
We do Yunnan Maternal and Child with the United States to block the work exactly the same, but in many parts of China are relatively simple methods, or the rate of spread of 8-15 percent.
我们在云南做的母婴阻断工作跟美国完全一样,可是中国很多地区都是用比较简单的方法,传播率还是在8%至15 %。
The uninhibited spread of HIV would diminish the economy's long-term growth rate, taking off half a percentage point annually by 2010 and a full percentage point annually by 2020.