rather than public debate
... Public Debate Timer 赛计时软件 ; 辩论赛计时软件 Rather Than Public Debate 而不公开讨论 And Much Public Debate 而引起广泛讨论 ...
rather than public debate
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The aim of the Institute is to change the broader public debate rather than to directly influence policymakers.
FORBES: Why Conservatives Should Help Save the Cato Institute
However, David Cameron is hoping that his party still take the opportunity it provides to spend the next few months united around a parliamentary campaign to give the public a say on Europe rather than to have a debate amongst themselves about whether to get out or stay in and on what terms.
BBC: Europe - That Tory row 'made simple'
"The purpose of such a forum would be to stimulate a public debate about the need for national standards that promote effective learning, rather than those which lead only to hot housing for tests and exams, " said Mr Moore.
BBC: 'Targets to blame for unruly pupils'