overall rating method 全体评定法
summated rating method 累加评定法
confidence rating method 置信度评定法
direct rating method 直接评分
Factor-Rating Method 因素评分法
lean-mixture rating method 贫油混合物抗爆性评定法
antiknock rating method 抗爆性评价法
Point-Rating Method 积点评定法
BASEL NEW CAPITAL ACCORD is encouraging the banking developing their inner credit rating system, so the rating problem is becoming more important. An objective and effective rating method will be a feasible way to deal with this problem.
参考来源 - 多类分类支持向量机在信用评级领域的应用及核参数选择研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The mainly influential factors to the construct validity of assessment center are dimension, exercise, assessor, assessee and rating method.
How to implement the internal rating method?
This paper proposes a quality rating method for Web services, which is driven by user's QoS expectation.