祝凤冈 (1996) 将广告诉求分为二類,理性诉求 ( rational appeals )、感 性诉求 (emotional appeals) ,理性诉求:是以功利性作取向,去激勵消费者改变态度或者
Certainly, rational appeals in advertising aimed at children are limited, as most advertisements use emotional and indirect appeals to psychological states or associations.
Study found that a theme owning a high involvement can achieve a higher attitude-score than a theme owning a low involvement in the situation of rational appeals.
From Facebook to Instagram, the medium refocuses our attention on videos and images, rewarding emotional appeals—'like' buttons—over rational ones.
从 Facebook 到 Instagram,这种媒体将我们的注意力重新集中在视频和图像上,奖励情感诉求,而不是理性的诉求,例如“点赞”的按钮。