FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY » 只供外用 ratting » (动) 捕鼠; 密告; 背叛 I believe that my educational background and teching experience will meet your requirements.
FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY » 只供外用 ratting » (动) 捕鼠; 密告; 背叛 I believe that my educational background and teching experience will meet your requirements.
ratting machine 抗磨试验机
The dog went ratting 狗去捉老鼠
Ratting label 产品标
Ratting against 嗒嗒地敲击着
self-ratting depression scale 方法采用抑郁自评量表
N-COUNT A rat is an animal which has a long tail and looks like a large mouse. 老鼠
This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats.
N-COUNT If you call someone a rat, you mean that you are angry with them or dislike them, often because they have cheated you or betrayed you. 卑鄙小人 [非正式]
What did you do with the gun you took from that little rat Turner?
V-I If someone rats on you, they tell someone in authority about things that you have done, especially bad things. 告发 [非正式]
They were accused of encouraging children to rat on their parents.
V-I If someone rats on an agreement, they do not do what they said they would do. 违约 [非正式]
She claims he ratted on their divorce settlement.
PHRASE If you smell a rat, you begin to suspect or realize that something is wrong in a particular situation, for example that someone is trying to deceive you or harm you. 感觉事情不妙
If I don't send a picture, he will smell a rat.