这个后来者就是锤子科技的罗永浩,这种策略名为剃刀与刀片(Razor and Blades)。 可能是被打脸了太多次,罗永浩已经欣然接受了这一现状,言无不以“企业家”自居,不止可以给前辈雷军道歉认错(见头图),为了...
of love and razor blades 用爱和刀片
It might save time to buy your lip-gloss, moisturizer, toothpaste, razor blades, and deodorant at the same time and place you’re getting your food, but you’ll be paying a premium price.
Over the last couple decades, more young people appear to be pulling out razor blades and lighters in order to injure themselves, according to anecdotal reports from counselors.
The baby formula is locked up because thieves resell it on the black market. Ditto for the cough and cold medications, smoking-cessation products, razor blades, and batteries.