到达生效 » Reach effective 如果你不投入时间,你将不会获得成功 » If you do not spend time, you will not be a success ..
Effective Reach & Effective Frequency 有效接触频率
effective reach 有效到达率 ; 有效射程 ; 到达率 ; 有效率
Effective Reach & Frequency 有效到达率及频率
Effective Target Reach 有效到达率
effective e reach 有效射程
Effective frequency and effective reach 有有效暴露频次才有有效到达率
Some experts say that women will become more effective managers than men because they have the power to reach common goals in a way that traditional male managers cannot.
There is an effective and simple option you can use. By making your site search engine friendly, you can use a free and effective "marketing" technique to reach millions of online shoppers.
Safe, effective and inexpensive solutions are available for prevention and control, but they do not reach needy communities.