定义 中文名称: 反应性控制 英文名称: reactivity control 定义: 为控制反应堆后备反应性以满足长期运行的需要、在整个堆芯寿期内保持较平坦的功率分布、自动调节反应性以响应负荷的变化、紧急情况时能迅速停堆并保持适当的停堆
... reactivity coefficient 回响性系数 reactivity control 回响性节制 reactivity disturbance 回响性扰动 ...
reactivity control system 反应性控制系统 ; 反应度控制系统
reactivity control approach 反应性控制方法
reactivity control component 反应性控制组件
reactivity control malfunction 反应度控制误作用
fuel and reactivity control 燃料和反应度控制
chemical reactivity control 化学反应性控制
chemical reactivity control system 化学反应性控制系统
mechanical reactivity control 机械反应度控制
An effective reactivity control scheme is necessary for reducing the volume and mass of the liquid metal reactor.
Then you have to figure out, once you design basic power distribution you have to make sure you have what's called reactivity control.
The most important of which are maintaining your critical safety functions which is reactivity control, core heat removal, secondary heat removal and containment integrity.