...赛选手需在两小时内完成三个环节共5篇文章的阅读任务并回答问题,包括:读以明己(Read and Know)、读以察世(Read and Reason)、读以启思(Read and Question)。
An expression tree is a data representation of the lambda expression in a form that is easy for you to read and reason about the lambda expression in.
The only reason that Read and Bonny were not hanged with the rest of the ship's crew was that they were pregnant
She could still read, speak and reason, remember historical and geographical facts, and order objects by their physical size.
In the Epic of Atrahasis we do in fact read of a reason, and the text there states, "The land became wide and the people became numerous.
You'll note -- and there's no reason you need to read more of this, but the Hughe edition only includes a small portion of the actual pamphlet So this treatise as a whole is Milton's defense of these six Presbyterian ministers who wrote a treatise criticizing the authoritarian structure of the English church.