②随机存取存储器(Read Random Memory,RAM) 即随时可以改写,也可以读出里面的数据,它类似于黑板,可以随时写东西上去,也可以用黑板擦擦掉重写。
read-write random-access memory 读写随机存储器
TPC-C is an OLTP benchmark which requires efficient use of large memory, intensive random read/write I/O, and has extremely intensive database log activity.
TPC-C 是一种 OLTP 基准,要求有效地使用大量内存,大量的随机 read/write I/O,并且有很密集的数据库日志活动。
A program used to read a program from an input device, and, usually, into some type of random access memory.
According to the different work style, can be divided into random access memory and memory read-only memory two kinds.