本会举行了「生 命教育好点子之『Read to Feed』活动巡礼 暨 同创爱心 百牛图大行动。活动中英华小学及港大同学会小学分别 介绍他们推行「Read to Feed的经验和成果。
A failure to read a news feed in your example produces an empty list of news.
This feed enables users to read the contents of the Web site with software known as a feed reader.
If she and her husband are travelling or are stuck at their desks, there is someone else to feed their kids and read to them.
The key thing is not just to feed back to us what you've read or what you've heard in the lecture, but we want some interpretation of it or some analysis of it, or your reaction to what you're hearing in the class linked with something that might be going on in the world.