我固然不以为我能否在足球的题目上探求出道理,可我倒真想(Really want to)明白看似瞎猫碰上死耗子的进球(Goals)是怎么让那些‘迷’们亢奋大喊的。你就是我最困难时的那位永远支持我的人!
I really want to say 好想对你说 ; 播放好想对你说
I really want to know 我真的很想知道 ; 我真的想知道 ; 我真正想要知道 ; 真的我想知道
You really want to 你真想要这样做
Really want to life together 真正想要的生活一起 ; 好想一辈子在一起 ; 是否真的想一起生活 ; 真要生活在一起
Really Want to hug you 好想拥抱你 ; 真的好想拥抱你 ; 好想抱抱你 ; 真想抱抱你
Really want to love you 好想好好爱你 ; 好想再爱你
REALLY WANT TO KILL YOU 真正想要杀你 ; 真想杀了你 ; 真的要杀死你
Really want to miss you 真的不想错过你 ; 想想你 ; 真想错过你
Suddenly really want to cry 突然真的想哭 ; 突然很想哭 ; 突然真的要哭
I didn't really want to go but he insisted.
The trouble with you is you don't really want to work.
I don't really want to go. Besides, it's too late now.
"When Suna particularly said to me 'I really want to be best,' it was just such an instant affinity.
VOA: special.2010.07.30
Because I really want to understand what it is like for a son and a father to relate each other.
Any advice I could give if anybody wants to do, study architecture is that you’ve got to really want to...