该书实际上是《征税权》(Powerto Tax)和《规则的理由》(Reason of Rule)两书合二为一的产物。[3]之所以合卷出版,是因为两者之间存在内在的联系。
rule of reason 合理原则 ; 合理规则 ; 合理性原则 ; 理性原则
the rule of reason 合理原则 ; 合理性原则
jurisdiction rule of reason 合理管辖原则
Rule of reason criteria 合理原则的标准
Structured rule of reason standard 结构性的合理原则
Jurisdictional rule of reason 合理原则
a rule of reason 理性产生的规则
truncated rule of reason 快速合理规则
My main rule of thumb for element schema order is: Use ordered patterns unless you have specific reason not to.
Another reason to rule out automation is the inability to programmatically access the necessary elements of the models themselves.
With this rule, my mind knows that I will be doing the hard work foronly a limited amount of time, so there is no reason not to focus andgive my best.
Glaucon Or Socrates and Glaucon, who hope to rule ? by the powers of reason, speech, and argument?