[ 复数 rebids 第三人称单数 rebids 现在分词 rebidding 过去式 rebid 过去分词 rebid ]
Forcing rebid 逼叫性再叫
Responder rebid 应叫人的再叫
Jump shift rebid 跳再叫新花色
jumshift rebid 跳再叫新花色
foring rebid 逼叫性再叫
Responder's Rebid 应叫者的再叫
Jump shelloft rebid 跳再叫新花色
rebid in original suit 再叫原来花色
South rebid two spades, a so-called superaccept promising four-card heart support, a maximum and, typically, a doubleton somewhere.
NEW DELHI - India \ 's purchase program for six midair refuelers may be rebid after questions arose regarding bid cost and competitiveness, Indian Defence Ministry sources said.