Renmin University of China 14Continued 三、应收账款周转率 ─ 应收账款周转率(receivable turnover ratio)是企业一定 时期的营业收入净额与应收账款平均余额的比率,又称“应 收账款周转次数”。它反映了企业收账的效率。
Receivable Turnover Ratio 应收账款周转率
Bill receivable turnover 应收帐周转率
Account Receivable Turnover Rate 款周转率
Accounts s receivable turnover 应收账款周转
Accounts receivable turnover days 应收账款周转天数
sales receivable turnover 应收营业额
Accounts receivable turnover times 应收账款周转次数
Another indicator related to receivable turnover is the receivable turnover in days, or called average collection days, which is a variation of receivable turnover.
Because we believe the performance of the company is not good enough to be financed, and there still some problems of management and financial especially the receivable turnover.