... receivablecontributions应收捐款 receivables应收账款;应收项目 receivablesandpayables应收账款和应付账款 ...
Other receivables 其它应收款
receivables turnover 应收款项周转率 ; 应收账款周转率 ; 应收账款周转
overdue receivables 催收账款
accounts receivables 应收账款 ; 应收应计项目 ; 或应收款项
credit card receivables 信用卡应收款 ; 信用卡贷款
health care receivables 保健应收款
other receivables - other 其它应收款 ; 其它
allowance for losses on receivables 应收款损失备抵金 ; 关于应收款的损失津贴 ; 应收账款的损失津贴 ; 免税额应收账款的损失
other receivables - related parties 其它应收款 ; 关系人
Supply chain financing, also called self-liquidating trade financing, is a type of short-term finance instrument in which firms impawn or sell their creditworthy accounts inventories, advance payments and receivables at a discount to the banks and receive immediate cash.
供应链金融,也称自偿性贸易融资,是指在商品交易中,银行运用结构性短期融资工具,基于商品交易中的存货、预付款、应收账款等资产的融资。 鉴于偿付债务的主要来源是该笔贸易融资项下的资产产生的收入,其次才是企业的综合偿付能力,该融资方式有别于传统的信贷融资。
参考来源 - H银行供应链金融业务研究 (研究生论文)The legal risks mainly includes the credit risks,the risks from the contract,the risks from validity and negotiability of the account receivable creditor's rights,the risks from the transferring of the receivables and the risks from the import factor.
参考来源 - 国际保理业务中保理商的法律风险及防范对策研究(研究生论文)This paper will combine the Civil Law with "United Nations Commission on International Trade Convention on Assignment of Receivables" for analysis.
参考来源 - 跨国资产证券化运作的法律问题研究(研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ suitable for or capable of being received, esp as payment or legal tender 适于接收的; 尤指付款或法定货币
N the part of the assets of a business represented by accounts due for payment 应收账款