nuclear recoil effect 核反冲效应
indirect recoil effect 间接回跳效应
Compton recoil effect 康卜吞回跳效应
photon recoil effect 光子反冲效应
atomic recoil effect 反弹效应
nuclear r recoil effect 核反冲效应
indirect heated mold recoil effect 间接反冲效应
effect recoil 反冲效应
effect Compton recoil 康卜吞回跳效应
Because of the light mass, the recoil effect is strong after the particle is emitted, so the recoil effect is must taken into account to maintain the energy balance.
This shows that discussions for the effect of artillery recoil shock vibration on the measuring and control equipment has an important significance in the practice.
This shows that discussions for the effect of artillery recoil shock vibration on the measuring and cont…