...Recommendations were made inter alia: to develop local schemes as a complement to finding resettlement places; internally assess the potential for further IDP returns to certain areas and corresponding changes to the UNHCR office structure; renew the emphasis on effectively institutionalizing the national asylum legislation; supporting efforts to enhance the quality of life of refugees and asylum-seekers; and building linkages between UNHCR's efforts to promote refugee legislation and develop institutional capacity and the wider efforts of donors in the areas of governance, human rights and border management 所提出的建议除其他方面外主要旨在是为了:设置制定当地计划,以此帮助辅助寻找重新安置的地点的工作;内部评估再向某些地区安置国内流离失所者更多回归到某些地区的可能性,并...