... recumbent a.(人)躺着的,斜靠的;休息的 recusant n.拒绝服从的人 redemptive a.(用以)赎回的,救赎的,救世的 ...
recusant t 不服从规章的
同义词: nonconformist
同义词: dissentient
"the recusant electors...cooperated in electing a new Senate"
以上来源于: WordNet
N (in 16th to 18th century England) a Roman Catholic who did not attend the services of the Church of England, as was required by law (16至18世纪)不遵照法律参加英国国教的罗马天主教徒
ADJ (formerly, of Catholics) refusing to attend services of the Church of England (旧时天主教徒)拒绝参加英国国教仪式的