Red Clover 红花苜蓿 ; 红三叶草 ; 红三叶 ; 植物萃取物
Red Clover Extract 红车轴草提取物 ; 红车轴提取物 ; 红苜蓿粹取 ; 红花苜蓿萃取
Powdered Red Clover Extract 红车轴草提取粉
Red Clover Plus Caps 红三叶草精华
Red clover mosaic virus 红三叶草花叶病毒
mammoth red clover 中间型红三叶草
red clover vein mosaic virus 红三叶草脉花叶病毒 ; 红
Red Clover Blossom 吉普赛人用的红苜蓿花 ; 苜蓿花
Red Clover Powdered 红叶草粉末
red clover necrotic mosaic virus 红三叶草坏死花叶病毒 ; 红
The state flower is the red clover and the tree is the sugar maple.
Multiple trials of red clover, soy, and other types of phytoestrogens have for the most part shown no benefit.
Contains: red clover leaf and flowers nettle and meadowsweet leaf calendula chamomile and lavender flowers gotu kola leaves and a pinch of stevia.