... 2. Citrus Fruits柑橘 3. Red and Green Vegetables红色和绿色蔬菜 “皮肤是人体最大的器官”。说得有道理,那就是说对你整个身体好的,对皮肤也有好处。至于食品,没有比蔬菜更好的了。 ...
There was the delight I caught in seeing long straight rows of red and green vegetables stretching away in the sun to the bright horizon.
You'll especially want to look for red-orange and green vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach.
Eat a variety of vegetables, especially dark-green and red and orange vegetables and beans and peas.
There was the delight I caught in seeing long straight rows of red and green vegetables stretching away in the sun to the bright horizon.
But also, there is this sense of imagination, and you get that in the dreaming waters; you get that in the sense of travel or the image of the road that you can see in the green and red vegetables stretching away in their rows to the bright horizon.