...茶藨属植物,原产于北半球和南美西部的温带地区按果实的颜色又分为红穗醋栗、黑穗醋栗、白穗醋栗,又称红加仑子(Red currants)、白加仑子(White currants)、黑加仑子(Blackcurrants)。
Red Currant Syrup 红醋栗糖浆
red currant pigment 红穗醋栗色素的
american red currant 矮茶荐子
Red currant and green strawberry 红醋栗和绿草莓
frozen red currant 汉丰隆速冻红加仑
northerm red currant 红丛茶蔍子
Black currant red 黑加仑红
red currant jam 红醋栗果酱
common red currant 普通红茶藨子
以上来源于: WordNet
N a N temperate shrub, Ribes rubrum, having greenish flowers and small edible rounded red berries: family Grossulariaceae 红醋栗