... 英文名:Brian De Palma 生日:1940年9 断章取义的影片影响 2008年8月31日,布莱恩·德·帕尔玛的参赛片《断章取义》(Redacted)在威尼斯电影节上映, 剃刀边缘的幕后制作 就像希区柯克称之为“悬念大师”一样,将布莱恩·德帕尔玛称为“恐怖大师”一点也不为过...
当日电影《Passion》在水都压轴登场举行首映,曾于2007年凭中东战争片《删除真相》(Redacted)夺得威尼斯银狮奖最佳导演的白赖仁庞马(Brian De Palma)相隔五年携本片再战水都,因此相当受注目。
Redacted Mac 图片马赛克工具
redacted detail 节选修订
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V to compose or draft (an edict, proclamation, etc) 撰写
They were, rather, a loose collection of songs transmitted by generations of Greek bards, and only redacted in their present form at some later date.
These frustrations are at the heart of the drama in Redacted.
Figure 7 shows a sample document redacted with the General role.
It is being written and redacted at a time when there is a king in Israel, there have been kings in Israel, and it is providing laws for the construction of an ideal monarchy.
It points to an exilic date for the work's final composition: that is to say when it was finally redacted, the redactors were in exile, writing for a people living in exile. And the Deuteronomist wants to make it clear that it is fidelity to the Torah, rather than residence in the land that is critically important.