减 to lowerto decreaseto reduceto subtractto diminishsubtract 减半 to reduce by half 减产 to lose outputa drop in crop yieldreduction in production ..
常用词典 ... [ Iberian Peninsula ] 欧洲西南部的半岛,西濒大西洋,北临比斯开湾,东临地中海,东北以比利牛斯山脉与法国相接。南以直布罗陀海峡与非洲相望,面积约58.4万平方里,包括西班牙、葡萄牙和直布罗陀 [ the 15th day of a month ] 每月的第十五日 [ reduce (a price) by half ] 减半;打一半的折扣 ...
A medium term growth superior or equal 8%, accompanied by macro-economic and financial stability, would reduce by half the rate of poverty to 2015.
参考来源 - 马达加斯加竞争力研究:探索国家生产力竞争优势的钻石模型·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
That could reduce by half the amount of land historically hospitable for wine grapes.
The delegates in Rome promised to continue efforts to reduce by half the number of hungry people by 2015.
I can easily make a batch file that copies the text file and renames it for each round, but it's the reduce by half part that I'm not good with.
The delegates in Rome promised to continue efforts to reduce by half the number of hungry people by two thousand fifteen.
VOA: special.2009.11.23
One of the Millennium Development Goals is to reduce by half the number of people living in extreme poverty by twenty fifteen.
VOA: special.2010.04.26
The World Health Organization aims to reduce by half the number of people who die from tuberculosis by the year 2015.
VOA: standard.2010.07.12