124,,,3,235,1,对现有的PDF文档,若想减少尺寸,可用的方法有:,文件(File)>减少文件大小(Reduce File Size),高级(Advanced)>PDF优化器(PDF Optimizer),文件(File)>打印(Print),选择Adobe PDF打印机,修改Distiller选项后重新 ..
To reduce file size and data-transfer speed, I went to my backup computer to search for open source utilities and found WinFF to convert files.
As with most people who take digital photographs, I like to crop my raw photographs to reduce file size and to improve the composition of my photos.
In our experience, using every declaration just once can reduce the CSS file size by 20-40% on average.
根据我们的经验,如果每种声明只使用一次的话,平均可以使得CSS文件的大小减少20 - 40%。