...氨基 酸),也有不易被利用的物质(纤维素、蜡、木质素),因此 有几颗粒的化学组成在不断变化; ③耐蚀阶段(refractory phase): 上一阶段不易被分解的物质必须经过几个星期或几个 月的降解过程,最后剩余一些很难分解的、含腐殖酸的聚 合物或复合物,并最终...
absolute refractory phase 绝对不应期
sinus node effective refractory phase 释义窦房结有效不应期 ; 窦房结有效不应期
composite phase refractory 多相耐火材料
alternating prolongation refractory phase heart 心脏不应期交替延长
composite e phase refractory 多相耐火材料
A phase 1 trial dose-escalation study of tipifarnib on a week-on, week-off schedule in relapsed, refractory or high-risk myeloid leukemia.
A phase hologram not only has relief modulation but also has refractory index modulation, both modulation will affect the diffraction property of the phase hologram.
We report the results of a phase II, single-arm, multicenter trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of lenalidomide oral monotherapy in patients with relapsed or refractory aggressive NHL.