热钱(hot money),又称游资(refugee capital)或叫投机性短期资本,又称“逃避资本(refugee capital)”(“热钱”、“游资”是对国际套利资本的通俗说法,也被形象地称做“过江龙”、“金融鳄鱼”),是充斥在世界上,无特定用途的流动资...
热钱 热钱(Hot Money),又称游资(Refugee Capital),或叫投机性短期资本,指为追求最高报酬及最低风险而在国际金融市场上迅速流动的短期投机性资金。
...资金,热钱的目的在于用尽量少的时间以钱生钱,是只 游资抢筹是什么意思 热钱(Hot Money),也称流资或游资(Refugee Capital),是指寻求短期回报的流动热钱(Hot Money),又称游资,或叫投机性短期资金,热钱的目的在于用尽量少的时间以钱生钱,是只炒游资...
N money from abroad invested, esp for a short term, in the country offering the highest interest rate 游资; 热钱 [finance]
Hot Money, also known as Refugee capital, refers to those short-term speculative capital flowing rapidly in international financial market in pursuit of maximum reward at lowest cost.
热钱(Hot Money),又称游资(Refugee Capital),投机性短期资本,指为追求最高报酬以最低风险而在国际金融市场上迅速流动的短期投机性资金。
The fact that many Iraqi refugee doctors, highly qualified English speakers, are working in McDonalds, if they have a job at all, is an extraordinary waste of human capital, Carey said.
“This is it, ” Hamid Akbar, 25, a refugee from the Swat Valley, said in Peshawar, the regional capital.
25岁的哈米德•阿克巴说:“就是这样”。 他来斯瓦特山谷地区,现在住在当地的中心城镇白沙瓦。