English translation for "区域性技术人员共同调配计划" ... 区域性公约: regional conventions detail>> 区域性测量: regional survey detail>> 区域性规律: regional regularity detail>> ...
The strata in Devonian period of Shuangwang area was divided in detail, going by new mapping theory and method of the regional geological survey.
本文采用新的区调填图理论和方法, 详细划分了双王地区的泥盆纪地层,论述了岩相古地理特征。
The strata in Devonian period of Shuangwang area was divided in detail, going by new mapping theory and method of the regional geological survey.
Some results of a case study which is focused on regional environment evaluation with geochemical survey data and remote sensing images are described in detail in this paper.