register card (注册资料卡), in relation to a memorial, means a register card kept and maintained-
bill register card [会计] 帐单登记卡
register card for permanent resident 常住人口登记卡
exit register card 出境登记卡
Register Card ID 注册卡号
the register card of jointing 施焊记录卡
card register [计] 卡片寄存器
ID card and Household register 身份证及户口本 ; 身份证及户口簿
Register r Card 指客人入住酒店时所必须填写的表格
The Enterprise Charging Register Card shall be reserved by enterprises.
The system is consisted of 4 parts including fluid infusion monitoring bag, phonetic dialogue, in-patient fluid infusion monitoring screen, and bed register card.
As a member you don't have to register when you arrive, but you must remember to register your guests, and you must be able to produce your membership card if a club official asks to see it.