Registered Company Number 公司注册编号 Name of Owner of Company: (if applicable) 公司股东: (如适用) ..
The number of shares in the Company into which the share capital is divided may be issued only as registered shares and may not be issued as or exchanged for shares issued to bearer.
OpenTable Europe Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 5266444 and with a registered address of Carmelite 50 Embankment Blackfriars London EC4Y 0dx.
OpenTable欧洲有限公司在英格兰及威尔士注册,公司电话号码是5266444;注册地址是在:Carmelite 50 Embankment Blackfriars London EC4Y 0dx。
A company called Clear is operating a registered-traveller programme at a growing number of American airports.