... Transport information;运输信息 Regulatory information;法规信息 Other information.其他信息 ...
Regulatory Information of Substances 物质管制和注册数据
Legal-regulatory information 法律法规信息
Legal and regulatory information 法律法规信息
Collects quality related regulatory information 收集并传递质量相关的法规制度方面的信息
Regulatory Information Conference 资讯会议
banking regulatory information system 银行业监管信息系统
It should also promote the free flow of information technology and the spread of green technology, as well as the coherence of our regulatory system and the efficiency of supply chains.
Countries lack critical support from regulatory and enforcement bodies. Countries lack reliable systems for data collection and information management.
The compliance goal is to measure and control regulatory compliance, such as SOX, so that the executives will deliver information on time and within budget.
法规遵循的目标是度量并控制法规的遵循、例如 SOX,为了使执行人员准时,且在预算之内交付信息。