...从风险管理角度上看,当前主要有再保险和保险联营(共保)、巨灾证券化和特别基金等风险社会化分担机制。 再保险(reinsurance)是指保险公司将自己的保单责任,以合同约定方式将责任全部或部分地转移给其他保险公司或再保险公司的保险。
Reinsurance Treaty 再保险条约
facultative reinsurance [保险] 临时分保 ; [保险] 临时再保险 ; 再保险 ; 临时分保临时再保险
Swiss Reinsurance 瑞士再保险公司 ; 瑞士再保险 ; 瑞士再保 ; 瑞士再保险集团
obligatory reinsurance [保险] 固定分保 ; 义务再保险 ; 强制分保
agreement of reinsurance 再保险协议 ; 再保险和谈
agreement on reinsurance 分保协议 ; 分保合同
proportional reinsurance 比例再保险 ; 再保险 ; 比例性再保险
reinsurance policy 再保险单
Excess of Loss Reinsurance 超额赔款再保险 ; [保险] 超额损失再保险 ; 超过损失再保险 ; 见
The definition of double insurance is regard to adapts to a broad meaning with greater difference between co-insurance and reinsurance.
参考来源 - 论重复保险(研究生论文)And then exercises avail theory to confirm reinsurance’maintained fees and check up it.
参考来源 - 巨灾风险分散化方法研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"reinsurance enables a client to get coverage that would be too great for any one company to assume"
以上来源于: WordNet
Treaty reinsurance is the more common type of reinsurance.
REINSURANCE companies and bad news have a twisted relationship.
The third option would be to keep the FHA and sell reinsurance on a broader range of mortgages.
I was standing at the World Economic Forum at one of our lunch things and a young woman approached from Swiss Re, which is the Swiss Reinsurance Company, and she said she wanted my ideas on how to sell crop insurance in Africa.