... reliable news 可靠消息 ; 靠得住动静 reliable perormance 性能可靠 reliable performance 性能可靠 ; 性能稳定 ; 性能可靠的 ; 广义 ...
The World's Only Reliable News 靠新闻
reliable news source 可靠的信息来源
reliable news media 可靠的新闻传媒
the news is reliable 这消息靠得住
is the news really reliable 这个消息果真可靠吗
news from a reliable source 来源可靠的消息
Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information.
International broadcasters should therefore devote resources sparingly to countries where reliable news is already plentiful.
Hence the most reliable news came from Spain, giving the false impression that Spain was the most-if not the only-affected zone.