...器的面板上的,由数码管显示时间,现在我的初想为presetting time(定时时间)、running time(工作时间)、remaining time(剩余时间),不知是否正确?
... 要花几个月的时间到火星 » Take several months to Mars 剩下的时间 » remaining time 收信时间有延迟 » Prepared to receive a delay time ...
... 他的钱已经用光了 » His money has run out 剩下的光阴 » remaining time 在音乐会上 » At the concert, ...
shortest remaining time 使用基于最短剩余时间 ; 最短剩馀时间 ; 剩余时间最短优先策略 ; 最短优先策略
shortest remaining time next 最短剩余时间优先 ; 优先法
Speech remaining time 2 minutes 语音剩余时间2分钟 ; 演讲的剩余时间
In the remaining time 在剩下的时间里 ; 在剩余时间里
Remaining Time Alarm 剩余时间警报
longest remaining time rule 最长剩余时间规则
Shortest Remaining Time First 间作业优先 ; 为最短剩余时 ; 最短剩余时
flight remaining time 剩余飞行时间
Sometimes the remaining time is calculated for you.
The remaining time is typically wasted leaving us overwhelmed and stressed.
Mr Brown has a chance now to do two big good things during his remaining time in office.
And with only two months left and numerous hurdles remaining, questions are being raised about whether nations can narrow their differences in time.
VOA: standard.2009.09.28
OK. We wanted to finish up that section, we're now going to start on a new section, and I want to try and do one and a half things in the remaining time. I'm going to introduce one topic that we're going to deal with fairly quickly, and then we tackle the second topic, it's going to start today, and we're going to carry on.
All right. So I suppose in the time remaining and, alas, there isn't a lot of it we'd better ask what "language" is. We've talked about it.