...始我最痛苦的高三生活了 » I didn't start on my most painful lives in grade three 记一件有意义的事 » Remember makes sense ..
And, if neonicotinoids affect the honey bees' ability to remember how to get back to their hive, then it makes sense why the dead bodies are never found.
Remember that by definition a model is a simplification, so it makes sense that a model, even a refined one, should not include all of the nitty-gritty implementation details.
It all makes perfect sense now, this is what you have been trying to remember.
So, remember this makes sense if you just think of it as a wave and forget the particle part of it for right now, because that would be very upsetting to think about and that's not, in fact, what's going on, we're talking about quantum mechanics here.