...系统; 闭环控制; 重复精度; 环境因素 [gap=1141]Key words: focusing system; closed-loop control; repeatability accuracy; environment factor ...
... 切向最大允许力矩Tangent Max torque 重复定位精度Repeatability accuracy 总分度误差Dividing accuracy ...
... 机床精度 ACCURACY 轴运动定位精度 Positioning accuracy 轴重复定位精度 Repeatability accuracy ...
Dividing accuracy and Repeatability accuracy 转台分度精度和重复精度
tatic repeatability accuracy 静态重复精度
High accuracy and high repeatability 高精度
repeatability and accuracy 重复性和准确性
Repeatability position accuracy 重复定位精度
Table repeatability indexing accuracy 转台重复分度精度
optimizing accuracy & repeatability 误差最小化
Accuracy and repeatability 精度及重复性
The repeatability accuracy of the U-shaped parallel tracking platform is validated in this paper by two-CCD compound measurement.
本文采用双c CD组合测量方法对马鞍型并联跟踪台的运动重复性精度进行了实验验证。
A new test method for wavelength accuracy and repeatability of model 960 fluorescence spectrophotometer are introduced.
For increased accuracy and repeatability, the unit can be supplied with an external anti-backlash POM (polymer) pinion gear which optimizes coupling to the wind turbine's large yaw bull gear.