4---可重复读级别(Repeatable read isolation): 防止脏读与可重复读 8---可串行化级别(Serializable isolation): 防止脏读、可重复读与幻读, 事务串行化,严重影响效率.
These next key locks are only obtained when the key INSERT finds that a scanner with a Repeatable Read (RR) isolation level has a row lock on the next-higher key in the index.
这些next key锁只有在key INSERT发现带有Repeatable Read (RR)隔离级别的扫描器在索引中的next - higher键上有一个行锁时才能获得。
Supports table and row level locking and 4 isolation levels, RR (repeatable read), rs (read stability), CS (default - cursor stability) and ur (uncommitted read).