... residue black body radiation ==> 残余黑体辐射 residue by distillation ==> 蒸馏残渣 residue by evaporation ==> 蒸发残渣 ...
Based on the atmospheric residue TBP data Obtained by TBP distillation data of crude and supercritical extraction method, a method obtaining the full range distillation TIP data were developed.
根据原油的实沸点(TBP)蒸馏数据和超临界萃取分馏方法得到的常压渣油t BP蒸馏数据,开发了获得全馏程TBP蒸馏数据的方法。
Just for the waste residue and waste gas created by the traditional distillation way will easily pollute our environment.
Coal tar is a by-product of coking, namely tar distillation residue in distillation kettle black material.
煤焦沥青Coal tar:煤焦沥青是炼焦的副产品,即焦油蒸馏后残留在蒸馏釜内的黑色物质。