技术文摘 关键词:超高压,副溶血性弧菌,响应面模型,超微结构,损伤 [gap=1294]Key words:UHP;Vibrio parahaemolyticus;response surface model;microstructure;damage
代理模型可以看作是响应面模型 ( Response Surface Model)在概念上的拓展。 在工程优化中 ,为了提高优化设计结果的可信度 , 越来越强调采用高精度分析模型。
response surface model rsm 响应曲面模型
dual response surface model 双响应面模型
Kriging response surface model Kriging响应面方法
polynomial response surface model 多项式响应面模型
an improved response surface model 改进的表面响应模型
Pollen climate response surface model 花粉气候响应面模型
We introduce the basic theory of robust design, and then put the emphasis on the robust design based on dual response surface model.
The conclusion is that the flash land height is the important influencing factor on the flash volume and filling is obtained by analyzing the response surface model.
The main research content is as follows:(1) Reduced collocation response surface model (RCRSM) is constructed using polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) with points of monomial cubature rule (MCR).