1.2.2 法律重述(Restatements) 美国很多部门法有所谓的Restatement(重述),这是一种比较特殊的二次文献,其内容是对美国各州及联邦的判例进行总结整理,以法条(s...
Restatements of the Law 美国法律重述 ; 法律重述
Restatements of Law 法律重述
Prior to the announcement restatements 报表重述公告之前
This part provides a new interpretation and restatement of VAM from a legal point of view, which is a highlight of the paper.
参考来源 - 中国法律环境下的对赌协议研究Restatement hammers at the key idea by using different words. It is widely used in prose, stories, especially speeches.
参考来源 - 语意反复的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-COUNT A restatement of something that has been said or written is another statement that repeats it, usually in a slightly different form. 重申; 再次声明 [正式] [usu N 'of' n]
I hope this book is not yet another restatement of the prevailing wisdom.
N-COUNT A company's restatement of its earnings or financial results is the act of officially restating them, for example because they have changed. (公司对收益或财务的)重述
The amounts of cash involved are too small to require a restatement of earnings.
Theory analysis, about effects caused by financial restatements of listed company.
Financial restatements will compromise the organizational legitimacy, enhance the company's audit risk.
The insider report phenomenon "good news announces early, then the bad news announces lately" is obviously in publishing restatements.