因此一面以为,十年来最宏壮的中锋(Center)是邓肯(Duncan),他是马刺不停稳居(Retaining its position)一流,无间是夺冠冷门的基石。女人用两个极端方式管你索要宽厚与温情:小鸟依人、歇斯底里。
As the world's giant soft drink industry, Coca-Cola, with its strong brand, strong capital, advanced management and excellent marketing, has been retaining its position in the industry.
The locking member includes a retaining formation configured to engage the internal threads of the female coupling when the locking member is in its locking position.
该锁定件包括保持结构,该保持结构构造成当锁定件处于锁定位置时 接合阴螺纹联接器的内螺纹。